Edit Template

If you already have a domain but wish to make changes to its appearance, follow these steps:

Step 1: Click on the User icon in the navigation bar, then select "My Collections" from the dropdown menu. Next, choose "Edit Template" to access the template editing feature. This process is similar to customizing the template.

The My Collections screen will be displayed as shown below:

Step 2: Edit the template in the following sections:

Header: To change the logo of your template, click on the logo item and select a new logo.

Banner: Modify the title and description by clicking on the respective section, entering the desired content, and pressing Enter.

NFT Section: Select one of the NFTs you have created by clicking the "Choose NFT" button. Choose the desired NFT to be displayed on your domain, and click "Add to website." Additionally, you can edit the description of the NFT.

Footer: Change the logo by clicking on the logo item and selecting a new logo. Similarly, you can edit the text title and description by clicking on the relevant section, entering the desired content, and pressing Enter.

Overview: (Functionality is currently being updated)

Community: Click on "Edit" to open the Add Community popup. Enter the links for your corresponding social channels. To display a social channel, simply click on it, and then click "Add Community" to finalize the process.

Last updated