HTTP Status Code

  • 200 - OK - Request processed as expected.

  • 400 - INVALID_REQUEST - Request is not well-formed, violates schema, or has incorrect fields.

  • 401 - NOT_AUTHORIZED - The API key doesn't match the signature or doesn't have permission to perform the request.

  • 403 - FORBIDDEN - The API key's permissions don't match the needed permission to complete the request.

  • 404 - RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND - The requested resource doesn't exist.

  • 429 - RATE_LIMIT_REACHED - Too many requests. Blocked due to rate limiting.

  • 5XX - Something went wrong on Inonovaz's end.

API Error Codes

The following table contains all the error codes relevant to API calls. When performing calls to APIs, the best practice is to review this table for the relevant features that will run as part of your API.

Below, we've created an easy-to-understand separation of errors based on the HTTP code used as part of the response:

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