Customize Template

Step 1: Customize the template using the following sections:

  • Header: Change the template logo by clicking the logo item and selecting a logo.

  • Banner: Modify the title and description by clicking the section you want to edit, entering the appropriate content, and pressing Enter.

  • NFT Section: Choose an NFT you have created by clicking "Choose NFT," selecting the desired NFT to display on your domain, and clicking "Add to the website." You can also edit the NFT description.

  • Footer: Change the footer logo by clicking the logo item and selecting a logo. Edit the text title and description by clicking the section, entering the appropriate content, and pressing Enter.

  • Overview: (functionality being updated)

  • Community: Click "Edit" to open the "Add community" popup and enter links for corresponding social channels. To display a social channel, click on it and click "Add Community" to finish.

Step 2: After completing the template edits, click "Publish" to save the changes. You have completed the Customize Template step.

Last updated